i know i do. i mean for crying out loud, do we really need to see a forty foot presidential candidate's FACE on the side of an office building with the word "HOPE" or "CHANGE" as its subtitle? and dont even get me started on seeing these made into t-shirts and sold in indie-pop stores like urban outfitters. it just makes me wonder, what are we really trying to sell here? i feel like its telling the public... everyone else is voting for obama, so obviously you should too. why? because its the cool thing to do, and you want to be cool dont you? dont worry about getting yourself educated about what either candidate believes. obama is "the man" and mccain is just an "old man." you wouldnt wear mccain on your t-shirt, would you? because THAT would be crazy. its just like the ubiquitous Che Guevara t-shirts floating around central and south america intended as propaganda to promote communist objectives. nevermind that Guevara stood for ruthless torture and mass murder. he was the great liberator! he was "one of the people." so, of course, lets put him on our chests and the backs of our hybrid SUV's and places of businesses. when i mention this dichotomy to my friends, they say, "well no one would want to wear mccain's face on their t-shirt." i suppose my only response can be EXACTLY. it makes no sense. its weird. and sort of creepy. fold up the obama shirt guys. paint over his face on the buildings and get him the hell off the back of your car. get a good old fashioned campaign sticker and call it good if you want to demonstrate your support. lets (please) stop making him into a celebrity and make him what he is. a presidential candidate. im sorry, but all this kind of stuff makes it difficult for me to take him seriously, which is obviously what i want to do-especially if he becomes the next president of the united states. i dont need a president who is "the man" or is somebody's "homey." just one who has his head screwed on relatively straight and wont eff things up too badly over the next few years.